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MdPHA Committees

We encourage MdPHA members to get involved by joining one of the following committees. Contact us at to let us know which committee(s) you’d like to join and we will reach out with an invitation to the next committee meeting.

The Advocacy Committee

  1. Monitors health-related legislation in Maryland or that which may affect Marylanders and recommend MdPHA action as needed;
  2. Provides or seeks expert testimony on appropriate legislation including when requested by a legislative body or its committees; and
  3. Assists in developing education programs for policy-makers, members of the legislature, and the general public.

    The Membership Committee

    1. Conducts membership recruitment activities and other outreach with public health professionals and students in the state;
    2. Maintains membership including collecting membership dues; and
    3. Coordinates all activities relating to membership services including networking events.

    The Program Committee

    1. Plans, coordinates, budgets, and evaluates all aspects of the Annual Meeting and other meetings and workshops conducted during the year by the Association; 

    2. Coordinates MdPHA’s efforts in collaboration with APHA during National Public Health Week; 

    3. Represents the Association in planning and implementing the annual Tri-State Public Health Conference presented in collaboration with the Pennsylvania and Delaware Affiliates; and

    4. Plans other programs for the Association as needed.

    The Communications Committee

    1. Coordinates and edits MdPHA publications, including the website, bi-weekly email to the membership, and social media communications; 
    2. Coordinates marketing/publicity for all MdPHA activities and spotlighting member achievements; and
    3. Supports the board and the other committees by taking the lead on related communication needs.
    The Finance Committee
    1. Keeps up to date on the Association’s financial situation and report any concerns or inconsistencies to the Board;
    2. Seeks out and guides applications for grants and other types of funding that are in accordance with the vision, mission, and strategic plan of the organization; and
    3. Oversees financial reporting requirements, including tax forms and reports to funders
    The By-Laws Committee

    The By-Laws Committee shall review and propose changes to the current MdPHA By-Laws document at minimum once annually and as needed based upon guidance from the strategic plan and/or the Board of Directors. The Chair shall propose changes in accordance with Article XII and shall allot sufficient time (a minimum of 30 days) for comments from the Board of Directors and the general membership prior to the annual meeting (or special meeting if appropriate) prior to submission for adoption.

    Contact us at if you’d like to join this committee and we will reach out with an invitation to the next committee meeting.

    Contact Us:

    The Maryland Public Health Association
    PO Box 7045
    6801 Oak Hall Lane
    Columbia, MD 21045-9998


    MdPHA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

    Copyright MdPHA

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